Two centuries ago, Spain ruled over the open sea. As the British
Reich, however, grew abandoned Spain to its maritime stronghold
England fall behind Britain, Germany, France and other fast
Emerging markets. Although Spain remained neutral in both world
Wars, they suffered through a devastating civil war (1936-39). In
last fifty years, the nation focused on building's internal
Strength and active competition in the international European
Spain 40 million people enjoy a relatively mild climate, thanks
the nation's high plains, mountainous terrain and sea borders.
Spanish children aged 6-14 years are required to attend primary school;
After the students visit either a secondary school offers a
general high school or a school of training.
The Spanish government is a constitutional monarchy, ruled by King Juan
Carlos I. Presidents are appointed by the monarch, and then are
Subject to approval by the democratically elected, 350-seat
House of Representatives.
Professional Resources
Wright Investors' Service is a useful tool for every job in Spain.
The organization "Best Seo Service" of the site profile 160 Spanish companies and
contains a list of the top ten Spanish companies, ranked by market
Sensitive. This "snapshot" analysis and reports of each company,
principal officers, contact information, stock charts and a brief
Summary of the Company's principal business activity. Links
Information on Spanish companies are also available. These
Links to the Madrid Stock Exchange, Hoovers Spanish
Company Profiles, and the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores,
an organization similar to the SEC in the USA.
Foreign job seekers can also read magazines, telephone usage
Directories, and visit the local chambers of commerce and networking
Associations. Publications such as Dun's 50000 - Spain's Largest
Company contact lists, operational, Seo Marketing and other
financial data for thousands of Spanish companies. Prodi is an
multilingual publication with information on more than 15,000
Spain's best known companies
Job Search Resources
Is for a foreign, a job in Spain seem like searching for a
Needle in a haystack. In Spain, only a very small proportion of jobs
available, published with the help of newspaper advertisements,
Trade press ads, state-sponsored employment
Agencies, personnel agencies, companies, or help out. In fact,
Advertising jobs only about 15 percent of the
real possibilities of employment.
Instead of public service broadcasting, its staffing, most Spanish
Companies first try to fill vacancies through direct personal
Referrals or internal promotion. These "hidden market" of which, 85
Percent of the actual employment positions, it can be very difficult for
Foreigners are accessible. Breaking into the hidden job market requires
strong networking skills, personal contacts, and endurance.
Foreigners can also find jobs by responding to advertisements in the press
arranged by specialized services, such as personnel and agencies
Temporary employment agencies, or voluntary mailing, fax, or
E-mail your resume to a specific company. The Internet is a valuable
Resource for people who work in Spain, especially for foreigners
Who wish to do so before the relocation of jobs to be found. Many online job boards are
candidates for free and can post resumes and banking sector
Listings. Meta Seleccion organized weekly "virtual spaces", so that
Application to different positions in each forum.
Financial considerations
Compared to the rest of Western Europe, living in Spain (mainly
outside of Madrid or Barcelona) is relatively inexpensive. Food for
two people could be exported 60,000 pesetas, ($ 325 U.S. $) per month, and a
Standard restaurant bill is about 1,500 pesetas ($ 8 USD) per person.
A cinema ticket costs only 600 pesetas ($ 3.25 USD). Typically
Housing leases are one-year contracts, and each year renewed
for up to five years. Owners often require a deposit of one months
Rent for unfurnished property and rent a furnished two months
There is free universal health care in Spain, but all insured citizens
must have a Social Security number. To get one, you must either
Working for a company or a self-employed (in this case, you
pay) as part of the system. The medical care is provided by the
National Health Institute (Instituto Nacional de Salud - INSALUD) and
Social Services, the National Institute of Social Services
(Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales - INSERSO).
All workers in Spain are obliged to pay taxes, net --
worth of tax, inheritance and gift tax, VAT (or IVA: impuesto sobre el
valor añadido), property tax, property transfer tax and stamp taxes, taxes on
Operations and road tax. Personal income tax (IRPF:
impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Fisicas), is the core of the
Spanish tax system.
Employment Trends
Since 1994, employment activities in Spain has grown.
According to the National Institute of Employment (Instituto Nacional
de Empleo, INEM), Spain was the annual employment growth of 4.8
Percent at the end of 2000. Macro-economic forecasts predict that
2001 to 2003 the nation will achieve an average growth
Rate of 3.3 percent, so that the Spanish economy to catch up
the rest of Western Europe. Were changes in the wage structure
distributed in 2000: single variable wage related allowances
Power or group have been expanded and diversified, and other wage
supplements, bonuses, especially seniority, were abolished.
In recent years, there were a few changes to Spain was the collective
Tariff policy, characterized by a moderate reduction of working
Hours and a significant increase in flexibility. In general, this
Reduction has not yet created new jobs or a significant reduction
Overtime. A relatively small number of Spanish companies
Organizations, especially in public administration and public services
(Basque public administration was established), took the 35-hour --
Resume / CV 's
When searching for a job in Spain, prepare a cover letter, resume and.
Copies of certificates, diplomas and statements will be required at a later date.
Type the letter on A4 paper, tailor it for the position, and e-mail
it together with your CV and a small, quality photo.
If you have a short history of employment, please send your CV in
chronological order, to your development. Note, however, that
Reverse chronological order is generally preferred by a recruiter if you
are experienced, as this format begins with details of your most
recent employment.
At the top of your CV to give personal information, ie your name,
Place and date of birth, marital status and home address and
Contact information.
In the "education" to the list of institutions you attended with
their locations, your academic emphases, diplomas, degrees and
Dates of attendance. Also received all the honors, the level of
Foreign language fluency, computer skills, and foreign travel or
Study. Include information on internships and part-time jobs.
For the "Work Experience" category, a list of companies where you
were used to concentrate their location and to your profession,
Tasks, services and dates of employment. Remember
start with your most recent job experience.
Complete your resume with a simple "references to
Request. "
Information Technology
Spanish high-tech sector is growing faster than the employees,
Production of a severe shortage of skilled IT professionals. After
The Tomillo (Tomillo Fundación de Madrid), more than 90
Percent of firms indicate a shortage of skilled manpower in IT --
Sector. More than 32 percent of the 11,100 jobs Madrid Offerings
IT-related and do not require a college degree.
For the needs of IT professionals for the future of Spanish
economic development. In an analysis of information Jobs
of more than 10,000 job offers,
Programmers led the industry, followed by systems and resting places.
It was estimated that more than a half million jobs in this
Sector remains free in Spain during the course of 2003. Since
Employment is one of the main priorities of the European Union, the
EU has invested more than $ 45 million in this crucial area.
Due to the lack of IT specialists, most of the Spanish IT professionals do not
require a computer degree. Some specific items can be a
Degree (six years) or a technical degree (three years). Certification
for computer technician like CompTIA or various programming languages like C++ and Unix, may be necessary for some of the high-profile jobs. Publications
Computing and Mac Computer World as useful for IT job seekers like computer repair
in Spain, as well as professional organizations such as the computer science
Engineers Association.
Interviewing Advice
To prepare for an interview in Spain, the research --
Background and operation of industry and society, and
Check your own qualifications for the position. If you are not a
a native of Spain, the practice of Castilian Spanish, which is used for
Enterprises in most of Spain. (The second most commonly spoken
Language in the country is French.)
Initial interviews are generally short, perhaps only 20 or 30 minutes.
The goal is to give you an overview of the company and its
Operation, and give your prospective employer a chance to GET --
first impression.
· Dress appropriately. Dress query reflects the status. Both men and
Women in Spain bear a modern cut and well-cut suits.
· Be punctual for the interview.
· Shake hands firmly with the director and all those present, and look
straight in the eye.
· Address those present by their title and surname.
· Give your business cards (Spanish on one side and English on the
others) with the Spanish side facing up.
During the interview, be relaxed and natural, and in response to
Questions to be honest. Try to bring your best features, but not
. boast You should like to ask to questions about the position and
to express your interest and enthusiasm.
Since 1996 it has a resurgence in recruitment of personnel in
Spanish engineering field. This has led to an extremely
Job high volumes in this sector, particularly for
Telecommunications, construction and industrial engineers. Both small
and medium-sized enterprises and large industrial groups have
revolutionized the selection of the market. The competition in the
Telecommunications and energy produced to be extremely
dynamic market with very fast rotation.
There are two levels of technical studies in Spain. Engineers study
Six-year study to receive their diploma, while the technical
Graduate engineers in three years. The most important Spanish
Engineering schools include Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, and the Ministerio de Educación
y Cultura. Most studies have Spanish programs adapted
their content to the requirements for the new technological accurate
Framework, including computer science, various engineering
Disciplines, architecture, aviation, telecommunications, agriculture
and industrial applications.
Engineering professional organizations like the pros
Associations Network Foundation provide engineers with information
on machinery and equipment, software / CAD, accredited schools,
and industry-related news and announcements. Engineering
Magazines, trade journals and industry websites are also valuable work
Research tools. Some more comprehensive websites such as En
Obras, links to a network of various resources, including
Employment agencies.
Work Permits
Spain, the European Union (EU) nation, permits European workers to work
of the country. The recent European Union court ruled the principle of equality
Employment deals with access to almost all workers in the EU and recruitment
Opportunities and provides professional motion. Jobs across the EU
are coordinated by the EURES (European Employment Services)
Spain recently announced a general amnesty for many illegal
Immigrants, and the number of applications for work permits and
Residence Visa has dramatically increased. Spanish authorities
Processing of applications, which originated as a tedious and lengthy process,
overloaded. The processing is now three to six months from the
Submission of all paperwork. In addition, all documents, letters,
medical reports, photos and forms for work permit
and / or residence permits must be submitted in Spanish. Submitted
Documents can be dated no more than 60 days prior to the
Application date.
In most cases, a visa is required for a work permit. The process of
Obtaining an employment visa may take a few days or several weeks,
depending on the case, and costs about $ 80 USD. Those who
Work and / or reside in Spain are urged to read carefully the nature of the review
Spanish work permit and / or Spanish residence visa which is a translation
their individual situation well in advance, their expected date of
Arrival in Spain.
Accounting & Finance
Finance and accounting positions represent about six percent of all
Jobs in Spain. These professionals are economists,
Accountants, banks, loan officers, and business administration
Graduates. Jobs grew in recent years, perhaps
to leave because of the large number of finance employees to choose their
Company after a two-or three-year term. Often these
Experts continue, because the promotion of employment, indicating a slight
Inflation permanent contracts. The high turnover rate
in finance and accounting jobs has resulted in an increase in the LED --
fixed-term contracts, temporary employment and outsourcing and salary earners
Landing requires a financial or accounting position in Spain as a rule
Degree in economics or business administration. If your work is a necessary
Degrees, the Spanish Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación y
Cultura or MEC) have to accept a foreign degree as equivalent to the
Spanish degree. In Spain, copies of degrees and other required
Information should be submitted to the Ministry of Education
Delegations. Outside of Spain, the Spanish Embassy or
Consulate. Read online CincoDías stay up to date on industry trends
and messages.
Cultural tips
Castle ruins, Siesta, tapas, Spain is a country known for its
breathtaking scenery, good food and a little slower. This
applies to the work, as well as business is usually conducted in an informal
Environment and amiable, and stores and retailers are often open until late at night,
can be closed for lunch, and then reopened in the early evening until
Dusk. Here are a few cultural references to help are simply a transition to
Spanish life:
Business deals are often conducted over long lunches, which
occur between one and three clock in the afternoon, last at least
one hour and are usually followed by coffee and conversation for
one hours. This can be frustrating at first for those who
Used to work right through lunch.
Spaniards tend to be close to mean the trust. Eye contact is
essential for males, but perhaps more reserved for women. It is
Common for Spaniards to use their hands to articulate, but a
should use certain gestures to insult careful
· Meals are a very important part of Spanish society. Drinking wine or
Beer is very common, and so the smoking of cigarettes is. Man goes on
Night times, including families with many children in the park, go to
Dinner in the summer. On weekends, some clubs and discos
All night long.
· City life is hectic and noisy, and parking in the downtown may
a nightmare. Drivers are aggressive and often honk. Most
Cars are standard transmission. It is advisable to check
Traffic before driving. It should also be sure to get a world
Driver's license from his home country to drive legally
in Spain. Be the best way to use public transport if
Sales & Marketing
Spanish sales professionals are in high demand, they receive about
23 percent of the jobs. Marketing jobs will be about four
Percent of all deals. Sales and marketing employers tend to prefer
Business, economics and engineering graduates
Degree. The Trade Union of Workers 'Commissions'
(Comisiones Obreras, CCOO) and the Association of General Workers'
(Uni n General de Trabajadores, UGT) are the main
Spanish trade unions and are valuable resources for sales and
Marketing candidates.
Concept of Spanish companies "of" marketing "is very different from the
of large international companies. Small and medium-sized Spanish
Companies typically do not recruit marketing staff, usually sales
People lead marketing functions. But this is changing: Some
Spanish companies are now their marketing and sales activities
Departments in the company's strategic and commercial
Development. Visit the website of marketing data rot on Employment
Opportunities and resources of the industry.
In general, no specific measurements for positions in sales is necessary, but
Marketing positions generally require, Economics and Business
Administration graduates and engineers. If your work requires
Degrees, the Spanish Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación y
Cultura or MEC) have to accept a foreign degree as equivalent to the
Spanish degree. In Spain, copies of degrees and other required
Information should be submitted to the Ministry of Education
Delegations. Outside of Spain, the Spanish Embassy or
General Business
About 2.5 percent of total job offers in Spain are people in leadership positions
Jobs and more than eight percent are the advice jobs. The lack
of executives is so severe that most companies increase
to keep their salaries. To fill vacancies, many of the technical
Promoting corporate top managers, even if they do not have the
necessary experience and know-how. However, the volume of high
Profile managers is growing, and the defect is in decline
Terms and consultant positions require a rule
Diploma and a Masters in Business Administration
preferred. If your job requires a certain degree, the Spanish Ministry of
Education (Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, or MEC) must accept a
foreign degree as equivalent to a Spanish degree. In Spain, copies of
Degrees and other required information should be submitted to the
Education delegations. Outside of Spain, for the
Spanish Embassy or Consulate.
A number of useful publications are available for managers and
Consultant looking for work in Spain.
Reich, however, grew abandoned Spain to its maritime stronghold
England fall behind Britain, Germany, France and other fast
Emerging markets. Although Spain remained neutral in both world
Wars, they suffered through a devastating civil war (1936-39). In
last fifty years, the nation focused on building's internal
Strength and active competition in the international European
Spain 40 million people enjoy a relatively mild climate, thanks
the nation's high plains, mountainous terrain and sea borders.
Spanish children aged 6-14 years are required to attend primary school;
After the students visit either a secondary school offers a
general high school or a school of training.
The Spanish government is a constitutional monarchy, ruled by King Juan
Carlos I. Presidents are appointed by the monarch, and then are
Subject to approval by the democratically elected, 350-seat
House of Representatives.
Professional Resources
Wright Investors' Service is a useful tool for every job in Spain.
The organization "Best Seo Service" of the site profile 160 Spanish companies and
contains a list of the top ten Spanish companies, ranked by market
Sensitive. This "snapshot" analysis and reports of each company,
principal officers, contact information, stock charts and a brief
Summary of the Company's principal business activity. Links
Information on Spanish companies are also available. These
Links to the Madrid Stock Exchange, Hoovers Spanish
Company Profiles, and the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores,
an organization similar to the SEC in the USA.
Foreign job seekers can also read magazines, telephone usage
Directories, and visit the local chambers of commerce and networking
Associations. Publications such as Dun's 50000 - Spain's Largest
Company contact lists, operational, Seo Marketing and other
financial data for thousands of Spanish companies. Prodi is an
multilingual publication with information on more than 15,000
Spain's best known companies
Job Search Resources
Is for a foreign, a job in Spain seem like searching for a
Needle in a haystack. In Spain, only a very small proportion of jobs
available, published with the help of newspaper advertisements,
Trade press ads, state-sponsored employment
Agencies, personnel agencies, companies, or help out. In fact,
Advertising jobs only about 15 percent of the
real possibilities of employment.
Instead of public service broadcasting, its staffing, most Spanish
Companies first try to fill vacancies through direct personal
Referrals or internal promotion. These "hidden market" of which, 85
Percent of the actual employment positions, it can be very difficult for
Foreigners are accessible. Breaking into the hidden job market requires
strong networking skills, personal contacts, and endurance.
Foreigners can also find jobs by responding to advertisements in the press
arranged by specialized services, such as personnel and agencies
Temporary employment agencies, or voluntary mailing, fax, or
E-mail your resume to a specific company. The Internet is a valuable
Resource for people who work in Spain, especially for foreigners
Who wish to do so before the relocation of jobs to be found. Many online job boards are
candidates for free and can post resumes and banking sector
Listings. Meta Seleccion organized weekly "virtual spaces", so that
Application to different positions in each forum.
Financial considerations
Compared to the rest of Western Europe, living in Spain (mainly
outside of Madrid or Barcelona) is relatively inexpensive. Food for
two people could be exported 60,000 pesetas, ($ 325 U.S. $) per month, and a
Standard restaurant bill is about 1,500 pesetas ($ 8 USD) per person.
A cinema ticket costs only 600 pesetas ($ 3.25 USD). Typically
Housing leases are one-year contracts, and each year renewed
for up to five years. Owners often require a deposit of one months
Rent for unfurnished property and rent a furnished two months
There is free universal health care in Spain, but all insured citizens
must have a Social Security number. To get one, you must either
Working for a company or a self-employed (in this case, you
pay) as part of the system. The medical care is provided by the
National Health Institute (Instituto Nacional de Salud - INSALUD) and
Social Services, the National Institute of Social Services
(Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales - INSERSO).
All workers in Spain are obliged to pay taxes, net --
worth of tax, inheritance and gift tax, VAT (or IVA: impuesto sobre el
valor añadido), property tax, property transfer tax and stamp taxes, taxes on
Operations and road tax. Personal income tax (IRPF:
impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Fisicas), is the core of the
Spanish tax system.
Employment Trends
Since 1994, employment activities in Spain has grown.
According to the National Institute of Employment (Instituto Nacional
de Empleo, INEM), Spain was the annual employment growth of 4.8
Percent at the end of 2000. Macro-economic forecasts predict that
2001 to 2003 the nation will achieve an average growth
Rate of 3.3 percent, so that the Spanish economy to catch up
the rest of Western Europe. Were changes in the wage structure
distributed in 2000: single variable wage related allowances
Power or group have been expanded and diversified, and other wage
supplements, bonuses, especially seniority, were abolished.
In recent years, there were a few changes to Spain was the collective
Tariff policy, characterized by a moderate reduction of working
Hours and a significant increase in flexibility. In general, this
Reduction has not yet created new jobs or a significant reduction
Overtime. A relatively small number of Spanish companies
Organizations, especially in public administration and public services
(Basque public administration was established), took the 35-hour --
Resume / CV 's
When searching for a job in Spain, prepare a cover letter, resume and.
Copies of certificates, diplomas and statements will be required at a later date.
Type the letter on A4 paper, tailor it for the position, and e-mail
it together with your CV and a small, quality photo.
If you have a short history of employment, please send your CV in
chronological order, to your development. Note, however, that
Reverse chronological order is generally preferred by a recruiter if you
are experienced, as this format begins with details of your most
recent employment.
At the top of your CV to give personal information, ie your name,
Place and date of birth, marital status and home address and
Contact information.
In the "education" to the list of institutions you attended with
their locations, your academic emphases, diplomas, degrees and
Dates of attendance. Also received all the honors, the level of
Foreign language fluency, computer skills, and foreign travel or
Study. Include information on internships and part-time jobs.
For the "Work Experience" category, a list of companies where you
were used to concentrate their location and to your profession,
Tasks, services and dates of employment. Remember
start with your most recent job experience.
Complete your resume with a simple "references to
Request. "
Information Technology
Spanish high-tech sector is growing faster than the employees,
Production of a severe shortage of skilled IT professionals. After
The Tomillo (Tomillo Fundación de Madrid), more than 90
Percent of firms indicate a shortage of skilled manpower in IT --
Sector. More than 32 percent of the 11,100 jobs Madrid Offerings
IT-related and do not require a college degree.
For the needs of IT professionals for the future of Spanish
economic development. In an analysis of information Jobs
of more than 10,000 job offers,
Programmers led the industry, followed by systems and resting places.
It was estimated that more than a half million jobs in this
Sector remains free in Spain during the course of 2003. Since
Employment is one of the main priorities of the European Union, the
EU has invested more than $ 45 million in this crucial area.
Due to the lack of IT specialists, most of the Spanish IT professionals do not
require a computer degree. Some specific items can be a
Degree (six years) or a technical degree (three years). Certification
for computer technician like CompTIA or various programming languages like C++ and Unix, may be necessary for some of the high-profile jobs. Publications
Computing and Mac Computer World as useful for IT job seekers like computer repair
in Spain, as well as professional organizations such as the computer science
Engineers Association.
Interviewing Advice
To prepare for an interview in Spain, the research --
Background and operation of industry and society, and
Check your own qualifications for the position. If you are not a
a native of Spain, the practice of Castilian Spanish, which is used for
Enterprises in most of Spain. (The second most commonly spoken
Language in the country is French.)
Initial interviews are generally short, perhaps only 20 or 30 minutes.
The goal is to give you an overview of the company and its
Operation, and give your prospective employer a chance to GET --
first impression.
· Dress appropriately. Dress query reflects the status. Both men and
Women in Spain bear a modern cut and well-cut suits.
· Be punctual for the interview.
· Shake hands firmly with the director and all those present, and look
straight in the eye.
· Address those present by their title and surname.
· Give your business cards (Spanish on one side and English on the
others) with the Spanish side facing up.
During the interview, be relaxed and natural, and in response to
Questions to be honest. Try to bring your best features, but not
. boast You should like to ask to questions about the position and
to express your interest and enthusiasm.
Since 1996 it has a resurgence in recruitment of personnel in
Spanish engineering field. This has led to an extremely
Job high volumes in this sector, particularly for
Telecommunications, construction and industrial engineers. Both small
and medium-sized enterprises and large industrial groups have
revolutionized the selection of the market. The competition in the
Telecommunications and energy produced to be extremely
dynamic market with very fast rotation.
There are two levels of technical studies in Spain. Engineers study
Six-year study to receive their diploma, while the technical
Graduate engineers in three years. The most important Spanish
Engineering schools include Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, and the Ministerio de Educación
y Cultura. Most studies have Spanish programs adapted
their content to the requirements for the new technological accurate
Framework, including computer science, various engineering
Disciplines, architecture, aviation, telecommunications, agriculture
and industrial applications.
Engineering professional organizations like the pros
Associations Network Foundation provide engineers with information
on machinery and equipment, software / CAD, accredited schools,
and industry-related news and announcements. Engineering
Magazines, trade journals and industry websites are also valuable work
Research tools. Some more comprehensive websites such as En
Obras, links to a network of various resources, including
Employment agencies.
Work Permits
Spain, the European Union (EU) nation, permits European workers to work
of the country. The recent European Union court ruled the principle of equality
Employment deals with access to almost all workers in the EU and recruitment
Opportunities and provides professional motion. Jobs across the EU
are coordinated by the EURES (European Employment Services)
Spain recently announced a general amnesty for many illegal
Immigrants, and the number of applications for work permits and
Residence Visa has dramatically increased. Spanish authorities
Processing of applications, which originated as a tedious and lengthy process,
overloaded. The processing is now three to six months from the
Submission of all paperwork. In addition, all documents, letters,
medical reports, photos and forms for work permit
and / or residence permits must be submitted in Spanish. Submitted
Documents can be dated no more than 60 days prior to the
Application date.
In most cases, a visa is required for a work permit. The process of
Obtaining an employment visa may take a few days or several weeks,
depending on the case, and costs about $ 80 USD. Those who
Work and / or reside in Spain are urged to read carefully the nature of the review
Spanish work permit and / or Spanish residence visa which is a translation
their individual situation well in advance, their expected date of
Arrival in Spain.
Accounting & Finance
Finance and accounting positions represent about six percent of all
Jobs in Spain. These professionals are economists,
Accountants, banks, loan officers, and business administration
Graduates. Jobs grew in recent years, perhaps
to leave because of the large number of finance employees to choose their
Company after a two-or three-year term. Often these
Experts continue, because the promotion of employment, indicating a slight
Inflation permanent contracts. The high turnover rate
in finance and accounting jobs has resulted in an increase in the LED --
fixed-term contracts, temporary employment and outsourcing and salary earners
Landing requires a financial or accounting position in Spain as a rule
Degree in economics or business administration. If your work is a necessary
Degrees, the Spanish Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación y
Cultura or MEC) have to accept a foreign degree as equivalent to the
Spanish degree. In Spain, copies of degrees and other required
Information should be submitted to the Ministry of Education
Delegations. Outside of Spain, the Spanish Embassy or
Consulate. Read online CincoDías stay up to date on industry trends
and messages.
Cultural tips
Castle ruins, Siesta, tapas, Spain is a country known for its
breathtaking scenery, good food and a little slower. This
applies to the work, as well as business is usually conducted in an informal
Environment and amiable, and stores and retailers are often open until late at night,
can be closed for lunch, and then reopened in the early evening until
Dusk. Here are a few cultural references to help are simply a transition to
Spanish life:
Business deals are often conducted over long lunches, which
occur between one and three clock in the afternoon, last at least
one hour and are usually followed by coffee and conversation for
one hours. This can be frustrating at first for those who
Used to work right through lunch.
Spaniards tend to be close to mean the trust. Eye contact is
essential for males, but perhaps more reserved for women. It is
Common for Spaniards to use their hands to articulate, but a
should use certain gestures to insult careful
· Meals are a very important part of Spanish society. Drinking wine or
Beer is very common, and so the smoking of cigarettes is. Man goes on
Night times, including families with many children in the park, go to
Dinner in the summer. On weekends, some clubs and discos
All night long.
· City life is hectic and noisy, and parking in the downtown may
a nightmare. Drivers are aggressive and often honk. Most
Cars are standard transmission. It is advisable to check
Traffic before driving. It should also be sure to get a world
Driver's license from his home country to drive legally
in Spain. Be the best way to use public transport if
Sales & Marketing
Spanish sales professionals are in high demand, they receive about
23 percent of the jobs. Marketing jobs will be about four
Percent of all deals. Sales and marketing employers tend to prefer
Business, economics and engineering graduates
Degree. The Trade Union of Workers 'Commissions'
(Comisiones Obreras, CCOO) and the Association of General Workers'
(Uni n General de Trabajadores, UGT) are the main
Spanish trade unions and are valuable resources for sales and
Marketing candidates.
Concept of Spanish companies "of" marketing "is very different from the
of large international companies. Small and medium-sized Spanish
Companies typically do not recruit marketing staff, usually sales
People lead marketing functions. But this is changing: Some
Spanish companies are now their marketing and sales activities
Departments in the company's strategic and commercial
Development. Visit the website of marketing data rot on Employment
Opportunities and resources of the industry.
In general, no specific measurements for positions in sales is necessary, but
Marketing positions generally require, Economics and Business
Administration graduates and engineers. If your work requires
Degrees, the Spanish Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación y
Cultura or MEC) have to accept a foreign degree as equivalent to the
Spanish degree. In Spain, copies of degrees and other required
Information should be submitted to the Ministry of Education
Delegations. Outside of Spain, the Spanish Embassy or
General Business
About 2.5 percent of total job offers in Spain are people in leadership positions
Jobs and more than eight percent are the advice jobs. The lack
of executives is so severe that most companies increase
to keep their salaries. To fill vacancies, many of the technical
Promoting corporate top managers, even if they do not have the
necessary experience and know-how. However, the volume of high
Profile managers is growing, and the defect is in decline
Terms and consultant positions require a rule
Diploma and a Masters in Business Administration
preferred. If your job requires a certain degree, the Spanish Ministry of
Education (Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, or MEC) must accept a
foreign degree as equivalent to a Spanish degree. In Spain, copies of
Degrees and other required information should be submitted to the
Education delegations. Outside of Spain, for the
Spanish Embassy or Consulate.
A number of useful publications are available for managers and
Consultant looking for work in Spain.
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